Thursday, July 27, 2006

Fun Times With Mariachi

Hello Everyone! We're heading into the weekend...just one more day to go. Then it's birhtday weekend! Yep, you guessed it. It's both my mom and my birthday on Monday. Not sure what we're doing this weekend. Probably nothing special. But it's always fun to have a birthday, right? It's about 10pm and I should be heading to bed, but do you ever have those nights you just don't want to go to bed. You want to do something, but not sure what. That's how I feel. I could clean, but that wouldn't be fun. So I figured I'd just sit down and chill at the computer. We had a decent day at work. We got to pin a broken leg in a dog and I got to scrub in for that and assist. Those are always fun. Not to mention huge learning experiences. Looks as though we will have a busy day tomorrow since we already have a few surgeries lined up. Anyway, then we went out to dinner at Casa Real. Tonight was the mariachi band and it was a hoot! We've been wanting to go but have always forgotten and it's usually packed during those nights. Well, this time we remembered and it was still busy but it was fun. The mariachi band traveled around the restaurant singing at tables. And of course they stopped by ours and asked what we'd like to hear. We had no idea what to ask for so we said to surprise us and boy did they! Not exactly sure what they were singing since it was in spanish but the woman who was singing pulled dad out of his seat and had him dancing and twirling in the restaurant! Those are the times you wish you had a camera on you. It's great to have a good laugh every so often. Then you know we had to go to the mall and I got my "pizza slice" cookie from Mrs. Fields. Yum! So much for that "thin" feeling I was having all day. Isn't it amazing how your body can change from day to day. That's just crazy. Oh yeah, and David mowed the lawn today. I was so thankful for that. You see, usually I mow the lawn because I like to work outside and make things look pretty. Plus, you know I have my way of doing things. But recently it's just been overbearing! Sometimes I miss the crappy lawn we had in know the one that was mostly dirt. Didn't have to mow that very often, atleast the backyard. It was half the size too. Anyway, having a decent lawn that's a good size and that was can take it out of you. Especially when you're working between 10-11 hour days. And I don't want to do it on a Friday night or anything. So the past 2-3 weeks David's definitely helped by mowing and then I'll edge/cut the weeds/etc when I get around to it. I'm very thankful for that.


Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi,
Sounds like you've had a busy week .The summers flying by so take advantage of this weekend to stop and smell the flowers ,enjoy the sunshine and rest and relax.You could always pretend your a tourist and go to Cedar Point or go to The Islands.
Have fun.
Linda P.

Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi,
I want to wish you and your MOM Happy Birthday early because I'll Be on Vacation next week.So have fun.
Linda P.
Maybe you both can get baloon......

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.