Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fun Filled Weekend

What an enjoyable weekend. I've been putting off my post because I think it's going to end up being a long one.

Saturday started with a clean up of the underpasses here in Sandusky. Two of our city commissioners (Dan Kaman and Dave Waddington) go out every few months to try to clean up our city. They are always looking for help and we thought it was as best a time as any to jump in a help. So we woke up and met them at 8am Saturday. We started on Tiffin Ave, then Camp St., Hayes Ave., and Columbus Ave. After that we went down to Pipe Creek to pick up any debris too. It was chilly but nice to get out and about. We got to know 2 of our commissioners better and helped to clean up the city in the process. This is only the beginning. I can see us not only continuing to volunteer with the underpass clean up but also volunteer for other things that need to be done in our city. Next week we'll be down at the Stillwaters Coffee Cafe on Saturday morning. The 1st and 3rd weeks of the month people tend to gather down there for an informal forum to get to know each other in a relaxed setting. Hopefully it will allow us to become more involved and help out the community.

Following the clean up we went out for a short run. Having already been chilled to the bone the run didn't go as well as I had hoped. In addition I went out with the mindset of not wanting to run (because I was already cold)...that's never good. Negative mindsets never bring anything positive in the end. It's alright though. I'm going to look at the positive side of it. I still got my butt outside and went for a run when most people wouldn't have, I met my minimum of 10 miles for the week for the Diabetic Challenge, and next week's another week. And I'm looking forward to it.

The rest of the day we spent driving to Cleveland and meeting up with KD, Erika, and the kids. We had a wonderful time and as always we were in great company. We had never visited them before so we got to see their house, see the area where they live, and the things they like to do. Surprisingly they live in an area which we tend to frequent when going up to the Cleveland area. We didn't know that previously. Erika took us to Second Sole to be fitted for shoes....stay posted on my review of my new shoes, then we went to Coventry Village. We ate at Tommy's (Yummy, Yum Yum! Must do again) and checked out the other shops including Big Fun (which was definitely big fun for sure). I'm definitely looking forward to exploring the area even more in the future. We had no set plans on what we were going to do so we mainly hung out at their place and chatted it up. Such an enjoyable relaxing day. We'll definitely have to do it again. Thank you Erika and KD for your hospitality!

Today wasn't all that exciting of a day. David and I didn't run (shame on us since I should've pushed myself through a 5 miler....Erika you can yell at me now) I really wanted to get out but I'm also remembering that I gotta keep it real too. I ran long on Friday and my follow up run sucked, which could've been for a multitude of reasons....mostly my reason above. I honestly think my body needed rest but on the other hand I also believe I should've run. It's the toughest thing trying to find even ground. You don't want to over do it but at the same time you don't want to be a wimp and you want to drive yourself to your goal. And whenever I don't run I'm my worst critic and I hold it over my head all day long. Ahhhh. Back to what I did today. I made Dad's cake and also made dinner for us and David's 'rents (mom and dad were out of town). Homemade meatballs with homemade spaghetti sauce and good o'l spaghetti. It was pretty good if I must say so myself. We just got back from celebrating Dad's birthday and it's about that time to start gearing up for the week.

Goodnight all!

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