Monday, July 03, 2006

We Love You Grandpa and Grandma!

Ah yes, only one day to work then it's another "weekend". That's one good thing about holidays during the week. I guess. Mom called last night with some bad news regarding Grandpa Q. Looks as though he had a possible stroke yesterday with some paralysis and not being able to talk. I guess the paralysis has subsided and he can talk again, however they will be performing a scope today to see what's going on. They're thinking a possible tumor of the upper GI tract. We'll have to see. We love you Grandpa and Grandma! Hang in there. We're thinking about you and praying for you. And you know me, just worrying. Ande' and Ryan came into town and it was nice to see them and spend some time with them. It seems as though it's been forever. Cass and J are here for a few days too. We don't really like spending too much time with them though (just kidding Cass). David and I both have to work today but David should have a short day so he may be able to spend some time with them. I have a long day, but hopefully we'll be able to get together tonight as planned and have dinner. We're not sure what's going on for the 4th, and on the 5th mom and I are going to have a girls day out. I'm looking forward to that. Must fold some clothes before going to work....


Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi,
Sorry to hear about your Grandpa Q. I will say some prayers for his recovery. I hope his tests go well and he continues to improve. It must be difficult when you are so far away. Try to enjoy your holiday.
Aunt Daleen

Anonymous said...

Hi David and Heidi,
Happy 4th of July to you and your loved ones.Enjoy your day and Celebrate.I hope all goes well for your Grandpa . Your Blogger Friend.
Linda P.