Sunday, February 24, 2008

Yee Haw!

Come Friday night David and I realized we were having cabin fever. Since I worked Saturday morning we couldn't do anything big but I sure tried to think of something creative to do. We pushed around the idea of heading to Pittsburgh, but given we've never been there we didn't think that it'd be very smart and would require some sort of planning. Amish Country? A sporting event? You name it, we looked into it. Along with the limited amount of planning time we're also dealing with a limited amount of money too. Needless to say we came up empty handed on Friday night. Come Saturday morning we still didn't have plans but then we found that the World's Toughest Rodeo was going to be in Cleveland. That was the only "sporting" event within 100 miles. Everything else was, basketball, etc. Hmmmm....I had attended the rodeo back in the day when we were into the whole horse thing. It was always entertaining. Then we found buy one get one free coupons. Heck, this is what we're looking for....something to do and something cheap. It's no Pittsburgh, but give us a break. We got mom and dad on the phone to see if they were interested and they jumped on for a night full o' bulls and broncs. After a quick dinner at Quaker Steak (Yum as usual!) we headed to the Q with all of the cowgirls and cowboys. Surprisingly we didn't stick out all that much. The whole country "fashion" has definitely come into the mainstream. You still have the ones where you can absolutely tell they are the real deal, but no longer do you really have the country folk. Most everyone (whether they are real or not) could be plucked out of a fashion magazine or catalog since they've meshed fashion and country together so much. You also no longer have the constant country music at this type of function. Of course you have some, which doesn't bother me one bit, but 10 years ago you wouldn't have had a cowboy riding a bull with Flo Rida (rap singer) bumping as the soundtrack. Needless to say we had a great time....and that goes for David too. (It was his first ever rodeo experience).

This morning I got up early to head out for my weekly long run, however, I ran into a roadblock. Due to being sick and the weather I hadn't run all week. I thought that'd be a good thing for my knee. Well, yesterday I went out for a quick and easy 3.5 mile run. I didn't have much of a problem with the occasional nagging knee pain. But while at the Q last night I went to get up and found my legs to be tighter than a rubber band along with my knee not being right. It took me about 2 minutes to move in a normal way without gimping. The knee issue was the most uncomfortable that it's ever been. I can't really call it pain. It's definitely uncomfortable and I want the feeling to go away. It's a very weird sensation. Having already had the problem previously, running Saturday, then hopping in the car for over an hour probably triggered this episode. I was fine for the rest of the night but was worried about today. I woke up this morning with some knee pain but decided to do my usual oatmeal, wait an hour, then head out. But my knee pain wouldn't cease. I was at a crossroad....Should I just go out and get 'er done? Should I go out for a short run? Should I not go at all? I was at a loss. I know I need to keep moving toward my goal but don't want to permanently injure myself. At the same time obviously rest didn't help seemed as though my problem not only came back but with a vengeance. I bundled up, headed out, and at 1/2 mile found my knee to be so uncomfortable that I had to stop running and start walking. It was a fast walk and found my knee to be much better at that pace and impact. I walked the next 1/2 mile then tried to run again with no luck. Same problem. I ended up walking the last 1/4 and finished with only 1.5 miles. I was bummed. I feel disheartened in so many ways. I definitely want to reach my goal, that's a no brainer, but I also need my running....for my sanity, for my health, for me to keep my sanity about my health/nutrition/eating (I like being able to eat and not feel too guilty about it....when I don't run and eat as though I have, that puts a damper on your day). Thankfully my hip pain has gone away (knock on wood!) I wonder if this is related to the hip pain though. For instance, have I realigned myself to "fix" the hip problem, which in turn messed with my knee? Ah dunno. I'm sure most people would say that I need to go to the doctor....Don't I wish. Needless to say we don't have a doctor (you can start yelling at me now) and I have a feeling they'd recommend an MRI or something crazy. Having an HSA account (no copays) makes it near impossible for us to afford something as such. It would be worse case scenario for me to turn to something like that. As always I'm not sure where this road will lead or what direction to go. I'm going to be as patient as I can be and hope this issue works itself out.

In other news, I think we've figured out what our next vacation is going to be. A cruise to the eastern caribbean. We'll be tagging along with Mom, Dad, Uncle Jerry, and Aunt Diana. Sounds great to us. I'll fill you in on details later.

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