Saturday, October 18, 2008


We went to Halloweekends last night with Sita and Alpa. We headed right to Dragster to make sure we made it on this year. Unfortunately even though we made it with not too many people ahead of us, they weren't running the cars full and it took forever. Of course once we got to the platform it was shut down for mechanical reasons. Bummer. We decided to wait it out and were thankful that after 45 minutes of further waiting we made it on.

Dragster is one of my faves, however it took a toll on my body on the first ride at the beginning of the season. It whipped both David and I around, which messed up our backs. With that being said, I didn't think I'd ever ride it again. Last night my original plan was to sit it out but once I got up there I just had to ride.

Bad news again. I'm not saying it was the Dragster, but within 10 minutes of riding I went to turn to talk to David and something happened in my left pelvis. I didn't hear or feel a pop, but a pain came that stopped me in my steps and hurt with every movement. Thankfully Sita was around to massage it a bit but with the cold and having 2 layers on my bottom (it was cold over there!) it was darn near impossible to get a good stretch. I tend to have problems with my right leg since that's the one I broke years ago. Sometimes my hip will pop, but I can make a certain movement and pop it right back in. But this was my left side of my pelvis. I continued through the night gimping around. I found if I kept my knee slightly bent I was ok, but any wrong movement and that "take your breath away" pain came back.

I took ibuprofen when I got home and slept on it. But when I got up in the morning it was still present. I took more ibuprofen and got hold of my chiropractor, who also happens to be a friend and she got me right in (whew!). I had an adjustment and she did a few things that hurt and felt good at the same time. According to her, it looks like I did something with my Piriformis Muscle. Her adjustment helped but I'm still nowhere near 100%.

I'm going to keep up with the ibuprofen and taking it easy but I must say I'm quite bummed. Just when I thought I was getting back to the swing of things with my running this wrench was thrown into the mix. I'll try to keep up with the positive thoughts and hope this isn't something that will sideline me for long.

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