Saturday, May 30, 2009

Just A Good Assortment Of Cards

Today was our 5 Mile Poker Run. This was the first ever Poker Run planned and I must admit there wasn't very well planned and resulted in a poor turnout. It's not that the individuals didnt try, but it's just the lack of knowledge. In addition, there were many other activities going around in the community today. Bummer.....but, I think this is something that has potential. I do hope they plan another one and/or have other activities like this. It was a good time. We met a couple new people and enjoyed the beautiful May morning. Once again, given it wasn't a timed event, we took our time. We didn't win anything as we only had what they would call, "A good assortment of cards." Mom even showed up to be our paparazzi and collected a few pictures....

Friday, May 29, 2009

You Have Got To Be Kidding Me

This is an absolute joke. I didn't know there was a hub bub going around about the city parks not being mowed. However, just last week David and I continued to notice the lawns getting higher and higher. I even said, "The grass is getting out of hand in these parks. We have out of towners coming in and seeing this? I would donate my time to mow them." Then this goes and happens. I understand that he was wrong for not stopping when told to do so, and that the litter wasn't picked up first, however, getting arrested? Absolutely asinine. And "it's a liability"?? My ass! Yes, it's a motorized lawn mower and it's on city property. But it's his mower. Why wasn't there "liability" a year ago when David and I assisted in the underpass clean up? Same type of situation. I don't get worked up about stuff like this often, but this has got me going. I know this is a trying time in Sandusky. Most don't have much, or are feeling the crunch, but we still need to take pride in what we do have. It's unfortunate that those willing to take that step are prosecuted. I'm pissed.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

P-P-P-Poker Face P-P-Poker Face

About a month ago I received a call from David. He said, "There's going to be a free 5 Mile Poker Run/Walk/Bike hosted by the school system. Want to do it?" I had no idea what the heck a Poker Run was, not to mention I haven't run 5 miles in forever (sad I know), but said, "Why not?!" I figured I'd do some research on what a Poker Run is, work to condition myself for a 5 mile run, and be good to go.

So over the past several weeks I've done some research to figure out what a Poker Run is....sounds interesting. Although, I still won't know if I have a "good hand" or not, as I've never played poker or know anything about it. As for the 5 mile run.....well, let's just say that might be a little more interesting. I've been unable to fit in longer runs....on the same note, I've done 5 miles (and more) before and quite honestly after 3 miles you kind of get in your zone and just go....that's what I'm hoping for.

It's not like I'll be going for a personal best. Even in regularly "races" I'm not very competitive. I may have my past times in my head in hopes of shaving off a few seconds, but really what it comes down to is getting a "free" shirt and enjoying my surroundings and different experiences. Unfortunately a shirt's not included in the race....remember, the race is free. It's all for get a group of people out there and pound some pavement, whether you're running, walking, and riding. My understanding is that we'll be traveling throughout Sandusky making stops at several of the schools. Hoping for good weather and fun times this Saturday.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Billy Joel And Elton John.....Simply Amazing

One word for our Billy Joel/Elton John concert experience......AMAZING. I went in with no expectations......just excited. We arrived with plenty of time to get to our seats. When purchasing our tickets we didn't have too many options in our price range. The only ones were behind the stage. However, after encouragement from mom (they had that experience years ago when they went to see Phil Collins and they were excellent seats) and a blog that said the seats behind the stage are just as good, we went ahead with the purchase. When we arrived we were not disappointed one bit. Actually we couldn't have asked for better seats. (Please excuse the quality of pictures. I chose not to take a camera so that I'd focus on the concert and not taking pictures. However I couldn't resist taking just a few with my camera phone.)

We were smack dab behind the stage above everything. No visual obstructions (we actually had short cement divider in front of one of our seats, meaning no seats and no heads in the way), we could see everything, including the percussion and other band members, and we had a huge screen in front of us. We didn't even need the screen, but that added to the experience. True, we couldn't see the accent lighting behind the band or the huge light up keyboard above the stage, but eh, who needs that? We didn't care. I was pumped. The crowd kept coming and yes, it was most definitely sold out. And no offense to individuals in our generation but I have to say that I was relieved when we found that we were surrounded by an older crowd. We were most definitely in the minority of the crowd. All the same, we had a great time.

(FYI, for those that are looking to go to this concert and are looking save a few bucks, get the seats behind the stage. You can see it all and they play to the entire audience (the band members turn around and Billy's piano even rotates). The seats on the side of the arena were more expensive and in my opinion not as good. Just my 2 cents.)

The time came, the stage to the floor opened and the grand pianos rose. My oh my, my heart was pounding. This is what I've been waiting for! Billy came out, then Elton. I couldn't clap enough. Then they started with Elton's "Your Song." Oh, the tears just started flowing. I couldn't contain myself any longer. Could this actually be happening? I've made it to my first concert? I'm seeing Billy Joel and Elton John, in person, with my own eyes? If this is a dream, don't wake me up. They continued with duets, going back and forth between their songs...."Just The Way You Are" and "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me." I'm not even going to list all the songs they performed.

Awhile later Billy, along with his band members, left the stage. Their instruments sunk back into the stage and left Elton and his band members to do their thing. They started with "Funeral For A Friend/Love Lies Bleeding." We couldn't believe they played this. This is one of our favs and never expected it. I continued to find myself in awe as the night continued on. Just amazing.

After Elton's long set it was Billy's turn. He came out on fire, playing "Angry Young Man." Elton John and Billy Joel are both so many ways they are alike and others different. Both equally enjoyable and inspiring. Billy talked more between songs than Elton. He played all of my favorites and I had to work hard to contain my dancing feet. One bad thing about sitting up can't get up and move around. Well, I guess I could, but I may just fall and I'd totally piss off the people around us. But it was still a ton of fun as he kept pounding out songs.

The final "set" included both Billy and Elton, along with their bands, on the stage. It was non-stop action. The evening finished 3.5 hours from the start, by toning it down with "Candle In The Wind" followed by "Piano Man." Of course I didn't ever want to see it end, but if it could end in any way, this was the way it should have.

A perfect experience. Well worth the 25 year wait. Well worth the $250. Thank you Billy, Elton, and Your Crew for an amazing experience.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I've Waited My Whole Life For This

Yes, I'm 25 years old and tonight will be my first official concert. (Okay, got to be honest. I've been to a concert before, but let's just say the tickets were free, we got them within a couple hours of the show, there weren't too many people there, and well, it's just not an act like tonight's. So yes, I've been to a concert, but this is a REAL concert.) Tonight is Billy Joel and Elton John at the Q. Yes.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Running Partner

Some of you out there may be asking, "So are you still running?" The answer: Yes. I'm still kickin' it about 4-5 times a week. Still not using the Garmin, still taking it day by day, still changing routes up, somedays with the iPod, somedays without the iPod. Actually, David and I will participating in a 5 Mile Poker Run next weekend. So things are going well. In addition, I believe I have a new running partner.

A week or so ago, I started to have a light bulb go off. I read an article on a blind runner who runs with a guide dog. I could only think, "I'd love to run with a dog." Then I was talking with my coworkers at work about trying to get our kids more exercise and they encouraged me to take them out for more walks. Once again, leading me to the thought of taking a dog along for my runs. I couldn't help but hesitate knowing that running with a dog wouldn't just happen. It'd take time and patience. So, who do you think was the best candidate out of all of our kids? Not Lily. Poor girl loves a good walk, but she's a block walker and that's her limit. So that leaves Spencer and Viking? I'm going to say that most people would think it's Spencer, since "he's the runner." Some may be surprised though......Spencer is a sprinter, not a long distance runner. He's good for about 1/2 mile then he crashes. That leaves me with Viking. For those of you who have never met Viking, he's a version of me in a dog. Always on the go, always focused on something. When it comes to playing ball, you will tire before he does. He loves exercise and would benefit from burning off some extra steam.

I've taken Viking out for a run, but never tried longer distances, and never alone. I gave it a whirl this week. We did 2, 2 mile run/walks together this week. When he started going slower I gave him words of encouragement and walked a bit, until he got his second wind, then we'd run again. Mind you, as with any dog, he's a pleaser and if it weren't for me making him walk, he would've tried to keep running, just to keep me happy. Let me tell you, Viking's an athlete. I knew he'd do well, but he did absolutely awesome. He doesn't pull, he keeps up, he's not sniffing all around, he keeps his eye on the prize, and he keeps me company. I'm sure most people would think of me as insane, but I talk to him throughout the run, telling him, "good boy!" or "let's make it to that sign, then we'll walk." Basically all the self talk that I used to do when learning to run. Heck, I still have to self talk sometimes. I must say that I'm not currently receiving the intensity of my runs, since I'm not running the entire time, but I'm getting in the distance and duration. And in the end, I think it's worth the "step back" so that I, along with Viking, can move forward. I'm excited to keep this up to see where it goes.

When I get back from our run I then take each of the other dogs out for their shorter walks. Each of them gets their own time to get out and enjoy the fresh air. It also gives us that bonding, one on one time that they, and especially me, need. Not to mention, it keeps me moving longer.

So we shall see what happens, I may just have a daily running partner. One thing's for sure, I never have to worry about him standing me up.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mmmm Cake

As planned, we celebrated Spencer's third birthday late this evening. Even though he's had cake before (on his Gotcha Day) I don't think he remembered what it was all about. He had no clue what was going on until David gave him a lick. Of course Viking and Lily are old pros and showed him how it was done. He caught on quick. Check our Flickr account for more pictures.

Happy Birthday Bigz!

It's time to celebrate! Today is Spencer's, (AKA Sir Spencer, Bigz, Big Nose, Banana Nose) 3rd birthday. This is his first birthday with our family. Unfortunately our schedules are crazy today. Of course we could just celebrate it another day, he wouldn't know, but given it's his first birthday with us, I just can't do that. So Spencer, have no fear, your birthday will be celebrated today.....even if it is at 10:30 tonight. Hugz to Bigz!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

War Dance

Back in early winter David and I decided to give Netflix a try. Originally I was cynical of the idea, but thought, "Why not?" So we gave it a whirl and have found that we love it. I must say David uses it more often that me, but we still get our money's worth.

I came home to a note on the computer today stating, "Watch this if you have time." I saw a quick clip of the trailer and knew that it was a must see for me. David and I have the same interests in many things....including history, documentaries, and learning other cultures. Through time this has lead to a new interest....Africa and the want to help/give what we can. Not only Africa, but other countries as well. There's no denying that America needs help too, in no way would I want to turn my back on our own country, but we can't help but be drawn to others as well.

I have no idea where this interest will lead. Maybe nothing will ever come of it, but maybe something will. I do know we have the desire to do something.

If you're interested in the trailer to the movie David recommended......

Sunday, May 10, 2009


When you have moms like us, how can't you think you're the luckiest person in the world? Hugs and love to our Mamas. Love you.