Thursday, June 29, 2006

Something To Wear And Something To Do

Yesterday was a crazy day at work. Very busy. So it was nice to hear on my way home that we were getting pizza with the 'rents. Ahhh...didn't have to think about what to do for dinner. Then I got my pizza slice cookie at Mrs. Fields. Gotta love it! Can you believe that they actually know my at Mrs. Fields and Cold Stone? And what I get...because you know I get the same thing everytime. That's just sad. Do you think I have a problem? Eh, it runs in the family, you know mom with the coffee thing at coffee beanery. I can't feel that guily about it. And of course I'm on to my next challenge. Trying to find something for Jillian's wedding. I love shopping but I hate shopping for something inparticular. The main thing is, my body just doesn't fit into the clothes. I think to I that abnormal not to fit into these things? It's got to be something. I need something with full coverage in the front, but at the same time real small around to hold me in. And of course the straps....there's got to be straps, and I mean thick straps because I do not do well with strapless or thin straps if you know what I mean. Not user friendly. Utter frustration. David and I want to do something this Saturday but as usual we are at a standstill as to what we should do. We don't want to do something that costs too much and at the same time we have to keep in mind the weather. It may rain. So we were thinking the columbus zoo, because they have an awesome primate exhibit that we'd just be a drive for us. Then we were thinking COSI, but that'd be a drive also. And it's more expensive. But they have this awesome Star Wars exhibit with actual original costumes and all. That'd be cool. So anyway, not sure what to do. And next Wednesday I have off so I want to do something with mom, but not sure what to do there either. Any ideas? I better fold some clothes before heading out to work. Plus I need to get gas before the prices skyrocket even more. See y'all later! Oh yeah, mom and dad's pics from the wedding...

Monday, June 26, 2006

Lauren and Zac's Wedding

We had tons of fun at Lauren and Zac's wedding this weekend. It was great to see family and just let loose and have a good time. Bryce road to and from with us. Thanks for keeping us company! It was great having you along for the ride.Other than the wedding our weekend was uneventful. We both worked on Saturday and bummed around on Sunday. We hope to possibly do something this weekend. Hopefully with the "longer" weekend we should be able to. We are looking forward to Sunday as we have Jillian's shower and all the guys are going out golfing and then having a cookout afterwards. It should be fun. It's been hard to have a summer with work, bridal showers, weddings, etc. Something always seems to be going on keeping us busy. Can't wait to get to the beach and soak up some rays and relax. I want to go to the zoo too! I have to get an exam done tonight, so I better get going. To see pictures of the wedding check out the site below

Monday, June 19, 2006

Great Weekend

Father's Day weekend ended up turning out a lot better than I thought. I found a good Swiss Army knife for my dad. It wasn't the one I had been searching for but actually I think it's better than that one. And I ended up getting the XBox for David and surprised him at the same time. On Saturday morning he asked me if he should unhook his XBox and I said, "Sure go ahead. But it doesn't guarantee anything". And he said, "well, I can always put it back together." So he went out golfing and I went to the mall with the girls and immediately traded in his old one and put the new one in my mom's car. David arrived at the mall after golfing with the guys and I walked up to him and said with a straight face, "i'm ticked. they only offered me $10 for your old console and 50 cents for each controller. I don't know if it's because I'm a girl or what but I went to both stores and that's all they offered. so let's go out to the car and we'll take it out of mom's car and put it in yours." He said that it was pointless to do so and I said "I just need to cool off and take a walk." I was apologizing and all the entire way to the car. His poor face. The light had been taken out. When we got to the car he was opening the car door that he didn't even realize I was sitting there holding his new 360. And then I said, "Happy Father's Day!" and he said "you brat!" Hahaha I got him. I got more than what I had said they offered, but I had to figure out some way to surprise him. I also reserved madden for him. So he's quite excited. That night we went to the mansfield races and had a good time then went to elyria the next day with the 'rents. Target had some cute dog clothes so you know we had to hook the "kids" up. They're too cute. Today was a good day, however David's quite under the weather. Can't seem to keep anything down or in his body for that matter. Hope it's just a 24 bug. Then a big storm raged through our area this evening. Pretty cool. Oh yeah! Grandma And Grandpa I hear you bought a house! How crazy is that?! Congratulations!!! Love to you all!

Friday, June 16, 2006


sorry to those that check my blog pretty frequently. I just haven't been in the writing mood this week, so it was a no blog week for me. Father's day weekend is here and my gift ideas have basically been killed and nothing has really worked out how I'd hoped them to. I wanted to get David an XBox 360. But at $400 I wanted to exchange all of his old stuff in and get as much as we could for it toward the new one. But I cannot get the old one out of the house without him knowing. Not to mention I wouldn't know what components to take and not take to trade in. And I'm not sure what games/controllers I could trade in without him making him "upset". So I called the stores and figured maybe they'd allow me to buy the new one then bring his old stuff in and put it toward the original purchase of the new one. But no, if I did that I'd have to get store credit. No go. In addition, David has recently had thoughts of pursuing a further education, which I'm totally for, but that would change our financial situation in a major way. I just wanted to surprise him this once. Bummer. Then dad's gift. J and Cass surprised him by coming into town and we're all going to head down to mansfield tomorrow night for the that's good. But my actual gift to him has been a full out struggle. Once again, I'd like to actually get my dad something this year and try to surprise him, but I'm having trouble finding the thing I need and when I find one, it's not the one I want to get him. Grrrr.....David says I've been one edge this week. I wonder why. I just hate gift giving and actually I hate getting gifts half the time too. First of all the secret thing...I can't keep something that I'm excited about to myself....especially with my husband. And I hate people trying to keep secrets around me, especially when it's obvious. It just irritates me. And I hate opening presents in front of people. I'm one of those people that I show my emotions totally through my face. And you can tell that I either hate it or love it. Oooh, as I look back and read this I'm just in a crappy mood or something. I better get to bed...hopefully I'll wake up on the right side of the bed tomorrow.....

Friday, June 09, 2006

He's Okay

Anyone ever feel like you've run all week and look back and all you see is a bunch of jumble and you still happen to have tons of more stuff to do on your list? That's how I feel. We had tons of birthdays in our family this week and I feel like such a horrible person that I didn't get to half of the people or even send cards or anything. So Cassie, Grandma, Devin, and Ande'....we love you and hope you all had wonderful birthdays. It was also Viking's 4th birthday on Thursday. I can't believe he's already 4! I have tons of yardwork to do this weekend. And I want to get some organizing/cleaning done too. I'm probably going to do it while David goes out with his sister and her husband, to the movies. The week seemed so odd and I can only attribute that to the passing of our friend. Our thoughts and actions were consumed with him...and as most of you know I analyze situations and just couldn't put it out of my mind. However, I have a peace about it. Even when Sita called us I knew something was wrong and when David told me my heart went out to the family, but I just had an inner peace about it. My MIL calls it can call it whatever you want but it's a comforting feeling. I am a large dreamer when I sleep and also a believer that people who have passed meet us in our dreams. Well, that evening Phil, our friend, met me in my dreams. He didn't say anything but I did ask him "why?" He didn't say anything but just looked at me. Then God arrived. Although I couldn't make out a face I knew it was Him. And I asked Him "Will you take him?" Although no one physically spoke to me in my dream, the calmness continued and I knew that more than likely I already knew my answer. Then the funeral day arrived. It was nice to see everyone that came together to remember him. We watched the chaplain and another gentleman walk to the front of the room and then it happened. The Chaplain opened his mouth and I had my answer from God. It was as though God put his arms around me and whispered in my ear, "he's okay and here with me". The feeling was so overwhelming that I just wanted to fall on the floor and raise up and praise Jesus at the same time. I know many people probably don't believe in this type of thing or understand it. And in all honesty I do not understand it either, but I trust in Him. I cannot tell you why Phil chose me to "visit" and cannot explain in true colors the immensity or intensity of feelings that came over my body. However, I do know that they happened and all things happen for a reason. Needless to say it was a long day of emotions. As I stated I had peace with the situation but seeing everyone else cry leads me to get teary eyed. Then we were in the processional and turned the corner to enter the cemetary and there were approx. 10 veterans/civilians standing on the side of the road. Each with their own flag. Some saluting, some with their hands over their hearts. Just out to honor Phil. I lost it. There was even a sign in front of a restaurant saying "God Bless You" for him. Whew, just sitting here writing this the tears come back. I hope everyone has an enjoyable and productive weekend.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Aren't We Too Young?

Hope this finds everyone well as we enter into a new week. I do like mondays as it is a fresh start to a new week. That's why I've always said mondays were my favorite day of the week. We did some family things on saturday. David worked in the morning, came home, met the rents at panera bread for breakfast, then went to Petco's grand opening and got some free food. Can't complain about anything free. Headed home, hung out, then headed back out to Subway around noon, and then the call came. David's mom left a "teary" message saying, "call home asap." Never a good sign. So we called her immediately and found out one of David's good friends from high school died. She received a phone call from the guy's mom and was told to send the message along. David's and his family were really close with both him and his family so it's been pretty hard. We decided to head over to his rents house and then went to the mom's house to do anything we could. She had been out of state for about a week and came home to the police at her front door giving her the news. They still are going to perform an autospy to find out what exactly occured, however it looks as though it was intentional suicide. Gosh, why didn't he call someone? He's had on and off issues with depression as most everyone has. He's also in the Army and was actually one of the guys who caught Saddam Hussein. He has pictures and all. I know he has issues due to many things that have gone on in his life and that had been going on, but of course with things as they are, the war issue definitely stands out in my mind. I haven't met too many of our friends that have come back from the desert who are "normal". Most want to go back and I think it's because they have a sense of accomplishment when they're there. Most of all they feel needed over there and I think when they come home they feel they have unfinished business because of the men they lost over there and that everything is still going on there and it doesn't look even close to the end. Of course, this is just my viewpoint. I know I've been asking for a lot of prayers on my blog for the past few postings, but I must ask once again for prayers to surround the family and all the individuals around them. It's crazy. Every so often you'll hear of someone who's passed that was in one of the grades around you or someone you never really knew, but then it hits close to home. I know, it's one of those things you go through in life. You know how you near the end of junior high, entering into high school your relatives start passing away. Aren't we too young to be having our peers die at this point? You know, I expected it to occur, but not at this point. Then a few months ago one of my friends from high school was diagnosed with a form of leukemia. He had been married for just under a year and his wife had just found out she was pregnant. It sounds so horrible of me, but I do not know how he is at this point as I have no contact information and I only had heard everything through different individuals. I can only pray that God is with them as they go through this trying time. As with most of my posts this one probably doesn't make sense as I'm just spouting off, but death and words don't often go together that easily.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Up...Down...Up...Down was an interesting day. It was a very busy day at work. We were double booked today. It made for a fast, yet crazy afternoon. I came home to find David feeling under the weather. Bummer, I was looking forward to the weekend. Hopefully he'll get better. So instead of just sitting around I got out and mowed/edged the lawn since it needed it so bad...already! Then I called mom to see what was up with her. She was just about to call me to see if she could bring Sloopy over and then she hit me with something. She said, "have you read aunt cindy's blog?" I said, "no. is it good or bad?" And she said, "bad, you just have to read it." come to find out my aunt cindy's not in remission. You see, she was diagnosed with a form of Leukemia over a month ago and has been through 2 rounds of chemo so far. The first one didn't knock out all the cells. Then they thought she was good to go after the second round. They came to her saying the preliminary reports showed she was good. Then they hit her with a bomb today saying there were still 3% left. So now it's on to the bone marrow transplant with her sister being a match. She'll have a month to go home and rest and then back to the hospital she'll go. The huge bummer for her is that she'll miss her sons wedding this month. She has so many individuals behind her supporting her and praying for her. But I ask anyone who reads this to please say a prayer for her and her family. Mainly just to keep them strong and focused as they go through this trying time. She is an amazing woman that has been through so much...we all know she can make it through this, it is just so horrible that she was the one chosen to go through it. On a lighter note, one of my wonderful friends was married today in New Orleans today. I haven't spoken to her in awhile as she has been very busy planning and getting ready. I tried to phone her yesterday but she didn't answer, so I left a message. David and I had hoped to go but could not due to our job schedules, $, and even trying to find a hotel room. I hope she had one of the best days of her life today and enjoyed every moment. I'm sure she did. Amy, if you read this, I love you and Congrats! Can't wait to talk to you. Not sure what this weekend holds for us. I don't plan on doing any home improvement projects anytime within the next week or so. I don't think my knees or pocketbook could handle it right now! Maybe we'll just try to relax...yeah right. Me, relax?