Monday, March 03, 2008

Onto The Next Week

I've made it an entire week without running. Whew. The best thing? I didn't feel all that guilty about it. Double whew. Now, I just got to make sure I keep some sort of fire under my butt to keep me moving. I can't get into a slump now. I woke up this morning to find that it's already 50 degrees outside. Sweet. I think to myself, "I'll be able to get out for a run." Then I check "Winter Weather Watch...." What?! You've got to be kidding me. Sure as day, it's right there at the top of the screen. Looks like we'll have rain this evening and the temperatures going to drop making it freezing rain throughout the night and tomorrow, all the way until Wednesday. No!!!! Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to fit a quick run in after work tonight, if it's not raining by 7pm. I don't want a long run. Just something to get up and moving and see if the knee is any better. Cross your fingers.

My work weekend ended up being a long weekend. I worked an hour over on Saturday due to 2 sick cases. I left knowing that I could be called in with the possibility of performing an emergency surgery on one of the sick animals, depending on what the owners chose. I ran home, changed, and David and I got something quick to eat and bummed around the area. All while I had my change of clothes in the car just in case. Over an hour later I got a call from Doc saying the owner's opted for euthanasia and not surgery. Okay. No big deal. That's fine and I agree with Doc and the was the best choice as there was a 99.9% chance the pet would pass while under anesthesia and there was a very high chance of mortality even after the surgery would be performed. So in other words, I was "off the hook." We continued to get things done that we needed then around 5pm I received a phone call. It was Doc, "We have someone else that needs emergency surgery. Can you help?" Sure I can. Thankfully I still had the clothes in the car and we were already out near work. We zoomed over there and I waited for everyone to arrive. Come to find out a previous surgery from the week had been too rowdy and messing with her spay incision, that it had opened. We're not talking just a small hole, we're talking instestines falling out....the dog is open. Yikes. Thankfully they caught it fast enough and everything was salvagable. They had made it up to the emergency clinic only to find they couldn't afford the prices so they went through the phone book calling searching for Doc by his last name. They called everyone on the list and finally found him. So that's how all of this came about. We were in surgery for about an hour and when I left everything was A okay. Whew. A long day. Atleast I'm getting paid for it. But at 54 hours of work last week tires you out pretty fast.

On Sunday we decided to look for cruise clothes for me. Bad idea. Most of you know shopping for clothes isn't easy for me. Let me shop for anyone else but me and I'm happy. As soon as you enter shopping for me into the picture it's not too pretty. Well, Elder Beerman had a huge sale on dresses so it was pertinent that I look. Not only is shopping in general a pain for me but shopping for dress clothes is even worse. Remember, my wardrobe consists of scrubs, jeans, t-shirts, and running stuff. A month ago I went through all of my clothes, getting rid of all of my dressy stuff. Not only was I not using it but it didn't fit. I go through these phases where I need the dressup clothes (truly, I need them, it's not a want of mine) so I go get some. The phase ends, my body loses or gains weight, and when the next phase of needing to dress up arises I have to go buy more clothes. It's a vicious cycle. So when I was throwing out all of my dressy clothes a month ago I vowed to myself, "never again will I do this." And what am I doing now, but looking for freakin' dress clothes! So not only was I not wanting to shop for myself but I was also messing with my psyche knowing I'm back in the cycle. Son of a..... Frustration. Thankfully I kept my dress pants but they are still slightly big at this point and the length, well, that's always a problem. I can't use petites because they're too short, yet regulars are too long. In order for them to work I need extra high heels. As stated they're a little large around the waist but I'm sure they'll do as the shoes I'm wearing work with the length. So in the end I think I got it all worked out.

I'm sure most of you are thinking, "Why are you worried about this? You're not going until September?" True. True. But you know what? I want to get it out of the way. One more thing off the list. There are so many things on the to-do list for this trip that it's crazy. So if I have the chance to mark something off, I got to do it. In addition, you know I don't want to pay full price for anything, so I have to catch the sales when I can.

So it wasn't really all that relaxing of a weekend I must say. Ah well. Onto the next week, tired self and all. On a positive note, I've been able to read most of my book I told you about. I really like it and it's a real easy and fast read. Good to go. Have a great Monday everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Considering the cruise is six months away you may want to wait to buy anything. If you keep running the way you have been you're bound to lose more weight or change the shape of your body making the clothes you purchase now useless as well perpetuating the cycle. Keep up the good work. I wish I had your drive. I could never run in the rain yet alone snow. Yuch1 Can't wait to see you all Camie