Sunday, August 03, 2008

The Amazing Evolution Of David

As most of you know from previous posts David has had some big physical changes over the past year. Through our running, working out, and watching what we're eating he's at his healthiest lowest weight ever, 165 lbs. The previous lowest was 169 lbs during boot camp, while he was literally being starved. Of course we've noticed the obvious changes with having to purchase new clothes including everything from jeans to skivvies. But you seem to overlook the picture as a whole because we see each other everyday. However, mom brought to our attention that she was looking through our Flickr pictures, both old and new, and was amazed at David's transformation. So much so that she didn't even recognize him at one point. It sounded crazy but we decided to take a look ourselves. Holy crap! We couldn't believe it. It truly amazed us. Wow. I just had to do some before and after pictures:

We were at our heaviest when we lived in Michigan. David at 270 lbs and me at 140 lbs. We don't even have pictures of ourselves during that time. Thank God.

When we got married I weighed 115 lbs, so obviously I had put on a few pounds myself through the past several years. I never considered myself huge but my weight was at a constant increase, moving in a direction I didn't want to go. Thankfully I caught it when I did and it's now in check.

I think it's pretty safe to say that David and I are out of our running funk, where we don't want to get up in the morning. It will never be easy but it's getting better and the pictures sealed the deal knowing it's what we have to do to stay where we're at. Don't get me wrong it's hard, but definitely worth the payoff.

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