Sunday, July 30, 2006

Antiques Anyone?

We had a good weekend. On Saturday we got up and met the 'rents for brunch at panera and then mom headed out with us as we went looking for antiques in Norwalk, Milan, and Sandusky. As with everything, it was an experience. But we had a good time and found a few things. And believe it or not I think David had more fun than me. With finishing our stairs we've decided we need to "spruce" the area up a bit with pictures, etc. So we've decided to go with a "Sandusky" theme. We're trying to find old photos, prints, and flat memorabilia to put up on the walls. We've found a couple cedar point penants, a sandusky penant, and tons of cool postcards. And we have a large numbered Boeckling print and a print of and map of Sandusky in 1883. So far, so good. As I stated we want old things, not current, and we don't want the whole nautical theme going on. I'm not so much worried about things being worth money as I am just thinking the items are cool. Not to mention, I'd like them to have some form of meaning. Obviously we've already been to most of the antique shops around here and also the follett house and maritime museum, but anyone out there with ideas, we'd love to hear from you. That night we ate at the Roadhouse and then stopped by Kalahari so I could have my carmel apple. It had been awhile since I had one and it just sounded good. Today not much else happened. We traveled to Catawba and Marblehead looking for things and had a small amount of luck that included the items mentioned above. With it being so hot we then just chilled at home. Speaking of the weather, it looks as though we're not going to have a break in it anytime soon. The poor's workin' overtime! We spent some time with the 'rents this evening and sloopy came over to play and now here I am getting ready for another week of work. Blah! We're going to have a "get together" for our birthday tomorrow...but I don't get off until 7pm, so it won't be that long of an evening. But still we gotta do something on our day. I'm just so tired now and I don't feel like writing so I'm going to bed. Night!


Anonymous said...

Twenty three big ones!!! Happy Birthday. It seems like yesterday when you interrupted My birthday celebration. I couldn't even eat the steak that was grilled outside. We had a house full of people. I wasn't real sure if this was the "real" thing, but I was feeling a little crummy, so I didn't eat, then I went upstairs to lie down for a bit. Finally, Dad came up to check on me and I said I thought we better go to the hospital, an hour later you were here. Yay, best birthday present ever!!

Jacki said...

Happy birthday, Heidi!! Have a great one!

See you this weekend at my sister's wedding! It's gonna be a super fun time. :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great week end. Hope you enjoy your special day and have a great year ahead. How cool to share your birthday with your mom. I've been enjoying your videos. Great job! See you Sat.
Aunt D