Thursday, March 22, 2007

Generation Me?

I should be hula hooping. But considering I have cramps, I figured I'd let that chocolate cake from last night sit on my hips while I type this morning. With that being said, I'm sure you can gain that I'm in a "mood" this morning. Yesterday was my day to sit at the front desk and I have to tell you about something that happened. I had two phone calls that were from parents of teenagers in regards to certain situations. The first one was calling because "my daughter's friend is coming in tomorrow to shadow one of the doctor's for a school project and I was wondering if it'd be okay for my daughter to come too." Wait. Let's start at the beginning...someone's shadowing someone tomorrow? That's news to me. She explained that she was told it would be with a certain doctor (even said the name) and that we were to have surgeries. That was accurate information. I did a little research and explained to the lady that I was unaware of the situation but I don't see it being a problem if her daughter came too. After getting off the phone I did more research to find that other coworkers had no idea about anyone shadowing either so we may have quite a surprise when 2 high school girls arrive to shadow one of the doctors today. Yeah, considering we have possibly 6-7 surgeries. That will be tons of fun. On to the next phone call, "my name is so and so and I was a previous dog daughter who is 17 is interested in doing some work and I was wondering if you'd be hiring this summer." I passed him on to my office manager's voicemail and will let her deal with it. You see, I don't have problems with people calling. I have problems with parents calling when their kids should be calling. You mean to tell me, you're calling for employment for your 17 year old??? Come on, give me a break. I was out on my own looking for employment when I was a freshman in high school. The only thing I can see is that he was trying to use his weight as a "former dog warden" to get employment. No. Not going to work. This just frustrates me. And it's no wonder why my generation and thereafter are the way they are. There are so many of my former school mates that went to college. Some made it through, some didn't. But there is a huge percentage that are now at home living with mom and dad and not even doing what their degree is supposed to do for them. Obviously there's a glitch in the system somewhere. More than likely more than one glitch. I'm just seeing a trend that is quite frightening. Mom and dad walking you through high school, holding your hand...that then continues through college and on and on and on. Man, let your kids go. Make them do what they need to do. If you do it for them, why should they do it themselves? And stop thinking "my poor kid." When they get a bad grade don't go after the teachers for "teaching wrong". Go after your kid for not not taking the time to learn and doing what their supposed to be doing...and stop focusing on all the extracurricular activities that should be just that, extracurricular. And whatever happened to the squeeky wheel gets the grease? So what if your kid calls somewhere and they don't get an answer. First of all they shouldn't have all their eggs in one basket depending on one certain thing and in addition, call again, and again if need be. If people don't take you seriously to begin with, they will at some point if they find you're determined enough. Sorry to get in a rant...I continue to think to more reason...I have decided this will be a good day...yes it will be. I hope yours is too.


Jen said...

This whole topic hits home with me because this is how my mom treats my sister....

I 100% agree. Even though I'm 24 and it wasn't too long ago that I was a 'kid', I think that this generation is going down-hill. I can't believe things that I see anymore. From clothes and makeup to the reality TV show "Sweet Sixteen" so much has changed in the past 10 years. It makes me dread Emma growing up! If it takes me being the "mean" mom, then I guess thats what I'm going to do. It's all about being independent.

Anonymous said...

i guess i have a problem with people who arent parents making those comments.

BananaBuzzbomb said...

Yes, I guess you have a point unidentified person. I guess I should live by the thought "before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes." However, there are many quotes I should live by, but don't. In addition, I was not trying to pinpoint, degrade, or demean anyone. It was a generalized observation that I have made of our society as a whole. I don't mind a difference of opinion and I'd like to be able to see my blog as a platform for discussion and non-spiteful yet opinionated debates. With that being said, I encourage you to become involved...but remember, you don't need to be anonymous to write =)

Anonymous said...

Capatain anonymous up there sounds like a guilty conscious. I bet you got a brat at home.

4welschenbachs said...

i think so too, maybe the girl was unaware that her mom was doing never know, and why would you want an idiot highschooler calling you, parents make alot more since of things over the phone. I think any way. I would rather talk to an adult on the phone over a child any day!

at the og we have parents that make the kids call and see how long of a wait we are on...give me a takes them forever just to ask one question. so no i do not agree on this certain topic, but i do believe that the morals are going down hill, WAY TO FAST.

BananaBuzzbomb said...

Danielle, you definitely have a point that I didn't think of. It makes sense and I can see where you're coming from. I guess I took it from the angle of "moving up in the world" type of way, not really "day to day" things. Meaning, if this is YOUR school project, then you should be doing it. Or if YOU want a job call in. Better yet, don't even call. Present yourself in person, nicely dressed, with a resume'. Then follow up with a call. I understand that this may be frightening and some may say, "You didn't do that when you were that age." But I can honestly say, "yes I did." If I wanted something bad enough whether it be a grade or a job, I went out and did it, even if I was nervous as all get out. And I owe a ton of thanks to my 'rents for instilling that in me. Back to the "day to day" idea. I can see why it's frustrating to try to deal with high schoolers who can't get their thoughts out of their mouth. But we got to remember that if they don't start doing certain things now, they will never do them. Meaning, if they get nervous talking on the phone and never have the experience, then their skills never advance. Thanks SO much for posting and giving your insight on the topic. Once again, it's nice to have different viewpoints. Because even though I may have an opinion it's nice to know there are other's out there that will possibly open my mind even further. Hope you have a great weekend at the OG and don't have too many rude people. =) See you Wednesday at Dinner Night (we never did decide on a name did we???)

Anonymous said...

I am with you on this one. I have heard of parents going into interviews with their kids in college.I remember riding my bike around town trying to find a summer job my freshman year and going into New Departure trying to get some summer internship by myself while I was in high school. To the point that kids are too slow at asking questions, etc, How do they learn other than doing it? If they don't learn to form a sentence over the phone at a young age, they will not be able to form a sentence over the phone at an old age. Are they going to call up their parents and ask them to call and dispute a charge on their cable bill for them? When does it end?