Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Change Isn't Always Good

I picked David up after I got done with work. We headed out to get something to eat. Our first idea was KFC and then the idea of Berardi's popped in my head. Hmmm...a char chicken salad sounds good and I haven't had it in forever. I swear that mom, dad, and I spent almost every night there when I was in high school. It was a "cheap" dinner that was always hearty and fast. However, David's not that into Berardi's. But he said, "Go ahead, let's go there. We haven't been there in awhile."

We pulled up to find the 'rents there too. Pretty ironic since they haven't been there in awhile either. They had already eaten but stayed awhile with us. I got my usual salad but I must say it's just not the same. Berardi's isn't the same.

The portion was really small, but for the same price I used to get it at. It's not that big of a deal because I immediately boxed half of it (one of my weight loss techniques) so I didn't eat it all and had some for tomorrow. But boy, was it tiny. It still was very yummy. Then you don't have your usual waitresses that used to be there ALL the time. You have a few here and there. The new waitresses aren't necessarily bad, but it's just different. Same thing with the decor....not bad but different. Everytime I go in something is different or renovated. I think they're trying to make things more up to date, but it's almost as though they're trying too hard or something. Another thing is all the advertising that is EVERYWHERE. From the tables with ads on them to the coffee mugs you drink out of. It's one of those places that you think will never change, that will be a constant, and provide a small amount of "comfort". But I must say I was kind of disheartened and feeling out of place. Bummer.

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