Friday, April 27, 2007

And The Scale Says...

I got home from work today and thought I'd give myself the old try on the scale. To my pleasant surprise I have met my goal of 115. Of course we just got back from dinner at Casa Real and I'm sure it's no longer the 115 it was 1 hour ago, but it's still the best feeling to know that I'm finally at my "just married weight." I'm still going to continue watch what I eat and be in my stronghold position. I don't want to continue losing weight but I must reinforce what I've been doing to continue a lifestyle change. This time I wasn't so strict on myself. Of course I wanted certain things here and there but I kept myself from eating them. In addition I gave myself small rewards as to not give up on myself. It's amazing what one little piece of sugar free chocolate can do for you. One meal isn't going to ruin it for you...there's always portion control and planning ahead. For instance I knew I was going to have a bit of a "free" type of dinner tonight so I made sure I was watching everything I was eating for dinner last night and all day today. Even though I had a decent amount of chips and salsa (a huge downfall of mine) I reduced my general intake of food (entree) Whatever, I don't know why I'm rambling. The bottom line is that I'm excited.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I feel your pain with the chips and salsa, I'm a sucker for those.