Monday, May 21, 2007

Check It Out

Our neighborhood got a little blurb on the front page of the Sandusky Register today for our "Third Street Flower Pot." It something that our block has started this year in hopes of making our area more distinctive and charming. As you know from previous posts we've been trying to make the former McKelvey Plat area (which we reside in) an even brighter location to live. We've had some roadblocks and found that it's much easier to start on a smaller scale and branch out. So that's what our block is attempting. What a great feeling to see something positive on the front page, and even better, you have something to do with it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey There
I read the article in the Sandusky Register about your area SPRUCING UP. GOOD FOR YOU. That is great. I'll bet you will have a lot of "ON LOOKERS" coming down your streets to take notice. Maybe it will rub off on to some of the other areas that need a little TLC.