Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Okay, So I Was Wrong

I'm not a huge American Idol fan but I end up watching it by default because David likes to catch it once a week. So I guess you can say to a certain extent I do follow it. It was down to last 3 contestants and I do admit that I like all 3 of them and it would be hard to choose 2 finalists. But I thought one of the two would definitely be Melinda Doolittle. Well, she was voted off. Bummer. Yeah, I can hear people saying "but did you vote?" No, I didn't vote. Everytime I have attempted it's a busy signal for hours. So anyway, I think she was definitely the most deserving to be a finalist just due to her consistancy, experience, and amazing voice. I wish her well, and more than likely this is a good thing for her. I don't know all the ins and outs but maybe by not winning she won't be tied so tightly to the whole American Idol name or harsh contract. Dunno.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya could have knocked me over with a nudge...I was shocked! Thought she was the winner, hands down. Oh, well.