Thursday, August 09, 2007

No Electricity = No Sleep

Oh boy, we had a fun night. We went to bed about 10pm, our usual time. We were out and then all of a sudden.......nothing......complete silence. With the exception of my hearing David exclaim, "What the f***!" Yep, no power at 1am.

Remember, it's 80+ degrees plus humidity, and that's in the middle of the night. Isn't it weird how your body immediately awakes when you lose power. It's like something just switches off. I lay there as David goes downstairs. Every room he enters he tries the switch. "It's not going to work David!" and he yells back, "I know. It's just habit." He goes down to the basement and looks at the breaker box and starts moving switches around. I have no idea what he's doing. He thinks he can fix it, so I just let him be. All this time you can feel the heat in the house grow by the second. And it's no use opening the windows. That will just make it worse. We're trying to check out all the neighbor's houses to see if anyone has any light. It looks like no one has power but we don't see any signs of flashlights or anything. Are we the only crazy ones up with the flashlights, checking things out?

Next plan, get the police radio out. Hey, maybe we're having a blackout like a few years back. Thankfully we were in New Orleans during that time. But trust me, we had MANY times where we had no power. It could've been in the middle of the day or in the middle of a hurricane....not fun. I finally found the police radio only to find the rechargable batteries were dead. Then David says, "Can't you just plug it in?" "Uh, no Baby, remember no power." He says, "Give me a break, I'm tired." We had a good laugh. I kept looking for the different adapter that goes with the police radio so you could use normal batteries and had no luck, which is just frustrating in itself. I've had that little piece of plastic get in my way a million times, and when I need it, it's not to be found. In the meantime David called his 'rents and woke them up. Whoops, guess you have power. I gave up and settled for a little handheld radio my dad gave me a few years back. Let me tell you, that thing has gotten it's use. Not to mention it picks up an awesome signal. We don't just get WCPZ...we actually have options. We listened to WCPZ, heard every song in the world that we hate, waiting to hear if they'd announce anything. Finally they did. I'm figuring it was just a generic recording but they said, "There have been sporadic electrical outages reported. Ohio Edison has been notified and are working to solve the problem."

We each sat on opposite ends of the room trying to keep cool. Of course it's when you're the hottest that all the pets want to lay on you. No thank you guys. Mama doesn't want to cuddle right now. I kept telling myself I was in the arctic and freezing my butt off. In addition, I kept telling myself the air is about to come on. Isn't that what the new Secret book is about? If you think and believe it, it will come. I dunno, just heard that on tv or something. Whatever, we finally chilled as much as we could and kept going in and out of sleep. Let me tell you, I had some crazy dreams. At the point of hour 2 of not having power I was thinking to myself, "what are we going to do come the morning?" We couldn't just leave the animals here all day in the heat. So I started to go through the thought process of getting things together for them. Once again I went in and out of sleep as I was hearing the horrible music on WCPZ. Then, beep! beep! Whoosh! The power was on. It only took 4 hours! It was 5am and time to go running. Sorry, I have to listen to my body and sleep some more. No running today. What a bummer, but I definitely value sleep. I'm sure my surgery cases today will also value the amount of sleep that I get too. And as I sit here writing it's still so warm in here.

I know Erika does the Thankful Thursday thing but today is my turn to add what I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for electricity. I'm thankful that our electricity is back on. It could still be off and I would be running around trying to get things together and transporting the kids to a cooler location. I'm thankful for our wall unit air conditioning. It's not central, but it's something. I'm thankful that I have a husband that I can pass time with. It can be a talkative time or complete silence, but it's nice to be able to have someone to do that with and that's on the same wavelength as you. Oh, there is so much more to be thankful for, but I'm out of time this morning.

I swear this week has just been weird around our house. First the roof leaking, and then now this. Boy, what's next?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Next time, just pack up and come on over. We got plenty of beds. Just don't wake me up. I'll figure it out when I wake up in the morning. ;)