Sunday, August 19, 2007

Simple Act Of Kindness

Have you ever been driving and seen someone walking, and you want to pull over and give them a ride? I have this feeling all the time. I watch the people walking wondering where they're coming from and where they're going to. I see some that look like they're coming or going to work and think to myself, "boy, they probably had a long day...I should give them a ride." I think that the kind gesture could possibly mean the world to someone and make their day. But then reality kicks in. More than likely the person would decline the ride for a multitude of reasons. Would you get in the car with a total stranger? Not to mention I shouldn't let a stranger enter my car. We no longer live in a society where kind gestures are the norm and you must always be on guard for that person(s) who is out to get you. It just hurts my heart because I want to reach out to someone and help with a simple act of kindness, but can't.

(Mom, don't worry. I won't let anyone in my car =) )


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I add another whew to your mom's. So sad that the world is the way it is and we are unable to do these little kindnesses.
Grandma Q

Anonymous said...

People should read this.