Monday, July 23, 2007


Just checked out my school site. Looks as though I'm on my way to officially ending this semester. My video grade was posted. I got a 91%. Not too bad considering the class average is 83%. But you know me...I'd be a heck of a lot happier if that was a 98%. I hate being a perfectionist. I must repeat to myself....."it's done and over happy with that." 2 of 3 final exams are posted. As I read that I could feel my anxiety kick in. There's not anything to be anxious about though other than just getting them done. Luckily my program allows for multiple retakes of exams. They are not open book exams but if you retake them you get most of the same questions repeated. And considering I print out every exam that I take, so that I can study for the future.....well, you put two and two together. Hey, they recommend printing them out...that wasn't even my idea. I'm not exactly sure of what to expect with the exams. Considering 2 of 3 were short answer/essay form for midterms, I'm not really looking forward to the finals. Thinking about next semester, I think I've decided on General Hospital and Clinic Information, Animal Nursing, and Laboratory Procedures. We'll just have to see.

It's 8 pm. I sit here looking at the screen not really knowing what to do. In my opinion it's too late to start an exam. Ah, what the heck, I'll take one......

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