Thursday, November 15, 2007

Great American Smokeout

The Annual Great American Smokeout is today. Who are you going to help quit? I got 2 names on my list who are very close to me.....Mom and Dad. I declared it this summer that my goal was by the 1st of the year they will have quit smoking. As you well know, I don't like to fail. And if I have a goal, I will accomplish it. Of course, they must be in on the plan too, which is close to impossible to do. And anytime I bring it up I get the usual, "I know. I don't want to talk about it." I know they've made multiple attempts throughout the years and have not succeeded but this I know, they CAN succeed. The thing is, all they have to say is, "Yes, we want help and support," and they'd have people surrounding them, encouraging them through the process. I can't do it on my own and I can't force them to do it. It must be their choice. I've already researched information through various channels, and it's sitting, waiting to be read. Not waiting to be read by me, but by them. It will continue to sit but will always be ready when they make the decision that they're ready.


Anonymous said...

My sentiments exactly. The happiest day of my life will be when they quit.
Grandma Q.

Anonymous said...

Diddo for us as well Grandma Q and Heidi,
We're there for you Mark and Jan, in any way we can.
We love you so very much.



Anonymous said...

Good luck on your quest to get your mom and dad to quit smoking. I've gotten into trouble many times by hinting to them (well maybe a little more than hinting). I hope they know we bug them about it because we are interested in their welfare and health. But they must WANT TO QUIT. It is hard to believe that your dad ever started smoking. As a kid, he couldn't stand a dirty ashtray anywhere close to him. Good luck, Heidi.