Thursday, June 14, 2007

Scan And Copy

I started a new project. Nothing big. Yesterday at work Dr. B and I were talking in general and she was saying how she's just started going around her house and documenting items, numbers, etc. for insurance purposes. It's one of those things that you know you should do but you never get around to it. So that got me thinking. In every place in which we've lived I've taken pictures and video. Considering we're lived in 4 places, that's a lot. But for some reason I haven't documented our newest location. In addition I've never made copies of important documents to keep off location if something were to occur. So this morning I've been scanning and got pretty far. Then I got to David's Marine Corps paperwork. Yikes! Talk about an encyclopedia. And I'm not talking about 1 volume, I'm talking about a whole set! Considering all of his medical issues, disability, etc. there's so much there. Ah, that I'll leave for tonight. Then I'll have to get the video camera out and document some more. Like I said, it's something that you should do and you never do it. You just never know what may happen.

Another "project" I've been working on is a new header for the blog using photoshop. I'm TOTALLY new to the whole photoshop thing so I've been teaching myself with the help of searching online and finding tutorials. Needless to say it's a task that is moving very slowly and I may find that my finished product I may not use, but it's a learning process.

As usual I went for a run this morning. David's joined us this week. I swear that boy can move. Even after 1-2 weeks off from him burnt arm he's kicking our butts. The funny thing is that in looking at him you wouldn't see a runner. But trust me on this, he can. After every turn he gets farther and farther away. But I'm happy for him. As for me, I'm up to 1.5 miles running. I must say I was kind of disheartened the other day. The only way I could figure out distance was to use my car and odometer to take a guess. Considering a specific landmark doesn't mark 0.5 miles or 1 mile, etc. it's not easy to measure. So for awhile there when I thought we were going 1.3 miles I think it was a little less. So I started to research pedometers only to find that there aren't too many out there that work properly. In addition not many measure walking and running at the same time. And since we run some, walk some, run some, that'd be hard for something to read. So they recommend using GPS. And that's not something that's in our budget right now. Then I found a site called Gmaps Pedometer. You can map out a route and it tells you how long it is and then depending on your weight and distance how many calories you burn. So I guess I'll have to stick with that for now. If anyone has any recommendations on types of gadgets that are helpful I'd be glad to hear about them. Even if we can't afford them now, maybe we can in the future.

On another note. I was looking in the mirror the other day and noticed that my collar bone area is more defined. Originally I thought it was because I had a tank top on and since it's now just getting warmer out maybe it's because I haven't seen myself in a tank top in awhile. But as I analyzed it more, and talked to David, the area is definitely more defined. Why is it that your body works from the outside in, meaning you lose weight in your legs and chest first, then your tummy? Kinda crazy. Whatever. I feel good and that's all that matters. Time to go to work. See ya!


Anonymous said...

Good job kids! Keep up the good work. I'm proud of you.

Anonymous said...

I like the new masthead. Good job!