Wednesday, June 20, 2007

School Anxiety

Well I'm in week 6 of my summer semester. This a good thing, but a bad thing at the same time. It means I'm closer to the end but that also means that my large practical assignments are due sooner too. Yikes. Just got some anxiety about that. Once again I have to video tape myself doing various things. And it just seems like so much to me. It's stuff that I do on a normal day to day basis but as it's happening I must explain, how, why, etc. In addition all the videos must be by the textbook. Some of our protocols are totally different than the textbook making things harder. In addition, I have to make time at work for these things. It's a surgical preparation and assistance class so everything has to do with surgery. Considering we now only perform procedures on one day a week that day is quite hectic and most times I probably look like I'm running around with my head cut off. And as with most of my criteria I'm learning some of the stuff is things that I do not do...only the doctors do. Such as exams decide what blood work to run, etc. Why am I doing this? I dunno. As with everything I must take it one step at a time....of course that's if I don't lose my sanity first.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just Breathe!! You can do it.