I feel I've been doing quite well with my "Positive Thoughts" thing I've been doing but I got to post about something "negative" today. As you know, David and I ended up getting Cedar Point passes and have been using them on a regular basis...going at least once a week. We walk the park and ride a ride here or there.
Well, today we walked from the front of the park through Frontier Trail and then exited the park near the Gemini, took a stroll on the beach (that they say isn't there...totally different story), and then went to enter the park near Ocean Motion. I didn't think it'd be an issue but when we went to enter the park again the worker (who was a foreigner, no big surprise) took my card, swiped it, and the machine beeped. Then all the sudden he said, "it didn't beep." I looked at him and said, "yes it did." He then goes on to say, "did you already go to the park today?" I said, "yes". Then he says, "Did you get your hand stamped?" I said, "no, we have season passes, why would I have to get a stamp." He then turns my card around and in my opinion rudely states, "read the last 2 lines of the back of the card." I read it. Come to find out even if you have a season pass you still have to get a stamp for re-admission if coming back in the same day. According to him they were finding that people would enter, then get a stamp and leave, then hand their pass off to someone else. So now you can no longer use your pass more than once in one day. I get the point, but come on. You could also get your hand stamped, walk out, and while your stamp is still wet, put it on another person's hand/arm. My other thought is, our picture's on the pass, it's not my issue if the person checking passes doesn't look at the picture and realize it's not the right person.
Considering this situation I was kind of steamed and tried to blow it off, but you know me, I gotta analyze it. It frustrates me as a person of the Sandusky community that stuff like this is constantly happening. Going back to the beach thing. I remember back in high school my mom was taking me and some friends to the beach. When asked where she was going at the toll booth she said, "the beach." And the person said, "there is no beach." Say what? We live on a body of water...and trust me, there's a beach there. It's as though they try to keep the locals away instead of welcoming them. I realize that if it weren't for Cedar Point Sandusky wouldn't be what it is. The bottom line is that we depend on it literally for our survival. On the flip side though, what else does Cedar Point do for us? Knock off $10 at Christmastime for passes, and that's about it. Otherwise the pass prices continue to rise, along with food prices, etc. And we have to deal with the traffic and tourists in the summer.
Wouldn't it be great to have a "locals day". A day that's specifically set aside for locals only. Or what about opening early for locals. I'm not talking everyday. I'm talking even once a year. Something simple. I also understand that Cedar Point probably thinks "well, what does the city do for us? People from here won't even help us by working here, that we have to go to foreign countries to get workers." That's right, people in the area have finally gotten smart enough not to work there. They work you to death, holding the summer bonus over your head, only to have you fired or get you to quit right before the end of the year. The amount of foreign workers is crazy. I just can't believe it. I don't even want to know what they tell these people, because any one of them I've spoken with or heard from has said, "if we knew it was going to be this, we wouldn't have come." I honestly feel bad for the workers. I couldn't imagine going to a foreign country, learning a different language. Not to mention you have to be able to figure out foreign currency. That's just crazy. Amd no wonder they walk away thinking Americans are rude and obnoxious, considering the type of people they have to deal with in that type of situation.
I don't see Cedar Point going anywhere soon, and I don't want it to go anywhere, but I just feel it needs to be run tighter. Appreciate the workers, so you can keep them and get more of them, making the park cleaner and more up to par. And appreciate the locals so they keep coming back.
Don't get me wrong. I love Cedar Point and I'm thrilled that we have season passes, but I just had to voice my opinion. Now I'm done.